Thursday, July 31, 2008

“My books are about killing God”

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Several readers have suggested that we provide some information about the soon-to-be-released film, “The Golden Compass.” This film is based upon a series of books that is profoundly anti-Christian (in general) and anti-Catholic (in particular). As reviews become available, I will add them to this entry. For now, you might want to visit the Catholic League for some basic information. This film is not, as the advertising for it might suggest, in the spirit of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” and “The Lord of the Rings.”

Update 1: An excellent interview about Philip Pullman (author of “The Golden Compass”) has been made available as a podcast by the good people at Mars Hill Audio. (Though Mars Hill Audio is not a Catholic periodical, it often features Catholic thinkers and authors. It is ecumenical in the best sense of the word.) This interview (done in 2000) was my introduction to Pullman’s work and remains one of the most substantive treatments that I’ve encountered. To listen to the podcast, click here.

Update 2: InsideCatholic has posted a story from “Crisis” Magazine on The Golden Compass and its sequels.

Update 3: Father Z. has posted the Catholic League’s statement and solicited comments from readers. The latter contain valuable links to other sources.
On Pullman’s commment about “killing God,” see this entry.

